
Dismantling the all-or-nothing mentality around AI

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Most IP professionals suspect that AI could help them do their jobs better, but appreciate that AI for IP isn’t as simple as firing up ChatGPT. They’re aware that it’s a powerful tool, but don’t know what it can do when applied to IP. Download this whitepaper to learn the nuances of:
  • AI's breakthrough and limits

    The current generation of AI is based on a genuine breakthrough in language capabilities, but it still can’t replace a lawyer’s judgment

  • What AI is good at now

    AI today excels at gathering and synthesizing information for IP, like a powerful research assistant with limitless capacity

  • Using AI to be more ambitious and human

    Just as important as what AI does is what it enables. With AI, IP attorneys can concentrate on what they do best

  • Mission

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  • Mission

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